Skin Conditions Linked to Stress: Expert Advice from Dermatologists
The surge in stress levels nowadays has a huge impact on our health. Nearly 82% of Indians suffer from stress that is related to work, health, or financial reasons as per a 2019 study. According to a survey conducted in 2018, around 9 in 10 Indians have higher stress levels.
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The American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) suggests that stress can be a trigger for certain skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema, or result in a flare-up for the same. Stress can speed up aging and delay wound healing. To avoid all these changes in your skin, it is necessary to consult the best skin specialist doctor near you.
Understanding Skin Conditions Triggered by Stress & Anxiety
Understanding that the brain and skin are connected and communicate well is important. The effects of chronic stress from work, relationships, or any events can form stress hormones that can affect the skin adversely. Thus, the skin becomes prone to itch, inflammation, irritation, and infections. The stress-triggered conditions like psoriasis and eczema can occur or aggravate.
Skin is said to reflect internal bodily health. The skin glands under stress produce excess oil so acne can result. Stress hormones break down the collagen and elastin in the skin and accelerate aging resulting in visible fine lines and wrinkles.
Role of a Skin Dermatologist
A qualified dermatologist will understand your problem. They will examine your skin clearly to diagnose your condition. Since stress is associated with your skin condition appropriate stress relieving techniques will be advised or if your anxiety is deeply rooted you will be asked to see a psychologist. The over-the-counter symptom-relieving medicines will be prescribed to you.
Homeopathic Treatment for Skin Disorders
If you opt for homeopathic medicine, a proper detailed case-taking is taken. The homeopathy doctors will try to find the root cause of your skin condition. A suitable personalized medicine is given to you so a holistic healing is possible, that targets symptoms of the mind and body together.
Dr Batra’s homeopaths analyse the skin by AI Skin Pro which gives a skin evaluation of skin condition and effectively suggests certain AI-led Skin treatments according to your skin texture, and conditions. Along with this, proper diet and lifestyle alterations will be advised to you for effective treatment.
Preventive Measures and Self-Care Tips
Here are some preventive measures recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AAD) for relieving stress:
- Meditation focuses on clearing the mind and reducing blood pressure and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
- Breathwork focuses on breathing exercises used specifically for breath control.
- A martial arts practice like Tai Chi can improve balance and reduce back pain too.
- Yoga is a mind-body relaxation technique that blends physical postures with breathing and meditation for improving mental and emotional health, sleep, and balance.
Some self-care tips suggested by the World Health Organisation (WHO) include the following:
- It is efficient to follow a routine like setting proper meal times, time for exercise, daily chores, friends, and family.
- It is important to sleep well since sleep relaxes and reverses the effects of stress.
- It is necessary to eat a balanced diet and drink plenty of fluids.
- It is important to stay connected with others and lift your mood by sharing your concerns and feelings.
- You must limit your time on news, and social media as it is often linked to increased stress levels.
We can prevent many skin conditions with simple stress relief. If you are experiencing stress and anxiety, it is better to visit the best skin doctor near you for relief. Be sure to schedule an appointment with Dr Batra’s clinic for safe and effective treatment.