Choosing the Right Psoriasis Specialist: What to Look For
Psoriasis is a chronic, disfiguring disease, so early treatment can lessen the negative impact on patients. It is important to choose the right psoriasis specialist as they will guide you and lead your way to healing. You figure out if a doctor is suitable for your condition if they can answer all your questions and satisfy your concerns.
Table Of Content
- An Overview of Psoriasis
- Some signs and symptoms of psoriasis are
- Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis
- Here are some homeopathic medicines for psoriasis
- Arsenic album-
- Graphites-
- Petroleum-
- Sulphur-
- When Should I Consult a Psoriasis Specialist?
- What to Look for When Choosing a Psoriasis Specialist
- Conclusion
- FAQs
- Talk To An Expert Now
An Overview of Psoriasis
It is common for psoriasis patients to develop psoriatic arthritis, nail psoriasis, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc. To assess the progress of your disease a psoriasis specialist may rope in rheumatologists, physical, and occupational therapists, cardiologists, psychologists, and more as per your symptoms. You need to understand the right questions to inquire about, then you will be certain that the best psoriasis specialist near me.
Psoriasis is not infective. It runs in families so you are at a high risk of getting it if your parents, grandparents, brother, or sister have psoriasis. The factors responsible for it are immune status, genes, and triggers. Common ones are stress, injury, sunburn, infection, medications, cold dry weather, tobacco, and alcohol. Around 80% to 90% have plaque psoriasis. The symptoms vary with the type of psoriasis, areas affected, and amount of psoriasis.
Some signs and symptoms of psoriasis are:
- Dry, thick, scaly, and raised patches on the skin.
- The parts affected are mainly the knees, elbow, lower back, and scalp.
- The plaques are usually itchy with time as the intensity increases.
- For some, their skin stings, burns, or feels painful and tight.
Homeopathic treatment for psoriasis
A homeopathic dermatologist near you can help you with the safe and effective treatment of your psoriasis complaints. A 2023 study from the Journal of Complementary Medicine Research suggests that the use of individualized homeopathic medicines for 6 months in psoriasis patients has shown marked improvement in overall patient complaints. Calcarea carbonica, Mercurius solubilis, Arsenicum album, and Petroleum were some of the medicines given to patients.
Here are some homeopathic medicines for psoriasis
Arsenic album-
The skin is dry, and scaly. There is scratching and it can worsen itching. The patient is exhausted easily. The patient is anxious and restless. The heat application brings relief.
The skin is tough or leathery with cracks and soreness, itching is worse from getting warm. The scratches till it bleeds.
The skin is extremely dry. There is a cold sensation of scratching. The itching is worse at night and getting warm in bed.
Intensely burning, itching, and inflamed eruptions. There is aggravation from warmth and bathing. There is bright red, scaling skin that gets inflamed from scratching.
When Should I Consult a Psoriasis Specialist?
It is necessary to understand that persistent symptoms are present. You should consult a psoriasis specialist promptly. According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), over-the-counter (OTC) treatments work well in very mild psoriasis. So, relying on OTC medicines is not the best way for psoriasis treatment.
What to Look for When Choosing a Psoriasis Specialist
A skilled and experienced psoriasis specialist manage your treatment plan well. Sometimes you may need one treatment to overcome psoriasis and another to maintain the results. Such tailored psoriasis treatment plans can effectively help heal you.
A 2022 study from the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, suggests that conventional have side effects if used for a long time. Homeopathy believes in treating the problem from the root and is a holistic method. Homeopathic medicines also strengthen the immune system of the body and have a lasting cure for psoriasis without any side effects.
If over-the-counter medicines cannot offer the desired results, visit a psoriasis doctor immediately to avoid complications. A qualified and experienced homeopathy doctor at Dr Batra’s homeopathic clinic can help you have a long-lasting cure for psoriasis.
At Dr Batra’s Derma Heal is a beneficial form of light skin therapy. It reduces skin thickness, redness, and scaling and also stops the growth of new skin cells. You must seek a qualified psoriasis doctor and schedule a consultation quickly.