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Hair Fall - Overview

Did you know that according to The Hair Society approximately 35 million men and 21 million women suffer from hair loss? Although hair fall is more prevalent in older adults, excessive hair loss can also occur in children.

According to the American Hair Loss Association, around two-thirds of men will begin to lose their hair by the age of 35. 85% of the global population will eventually suffer from hair fall by the age of 50, out of which women make up about half.

Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to excessive loss of hair from the scalp that can be temporary or permanent. Hair fall/hair loss can be a result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or aging. People typically lose 50 to 100 strands of hair a day as a part of the hair growth cycle. The hair goes through 3 phases that are known as the Anagen phase, Catagen phase and Telogen phase.

The phases of hair growth cycle are mentioned below in detail:

Anagen phase: Also known as the growth stage, it allows the hair to actively grow from the roots. During this stage, hair growth happens anywhere between 18-30 inches. The length of this phase varies based on genetics, age, health and other factors.

Catagen phase: This is also known as the transition phase and is the second stage of the hair growth cycle. This period is usually short and lasts only 2-3 weeks on an average. During this phase, hair growth stops as the strand detaches itself from the blood supply.

Telogen phase: This is the final stage of the hair growth cycle also known as the resting phase. The detached hair from the previous phase rests in the root while new hair begins to grow beneath it. This phase usually lasts for approximately 3 months.

This hair growth cycle is a natural process that begins with the growth phase (Anagen) transitioning towards Catagen phase finally entering the shedding phase (Telogen). Each follicle is independent and goes through this cycle of hair growth. During the shedding phase, the hair strands will fall out allowing new hair growth through the hair follicle. The hair growth cycle ensures we don’t lose patches of hair all at once. Hair loss occurs when new hair doesn't replace the hair strand that has fallen out during the Telogen phase. Excessive hair fall can become a cause for concern as it may even leave a bald spot.

When faced with the problem of hair fall, many people aren’t sure where to turn for help and often go for:
  • Cosmetic or chemical solutions to hide the hair fall problem
  • Invest in costly but inefficient hair fall products that come with claims that they can treat hair loss
  • Vitamins and other supplements for hair growth

Hair fall is the first sign of distress within the body and it needs to be taken seriously. Hair loss/hair fall is not just an external problem; it may indicate underlying health concerns. Did you know that the scalp can provide insightful cues into a host of latent disorders – such as thyroid problems, diabetes and heart diseases – much before a clinical diagnosis for hair fall is established?

Hair loss/hair fall can appear in many different ways, depending on what caused the loss of hair. Signs of loss of hair may include thinning hair, loose hair or patchy bald spots.

With numerous hair fall remedies that promise hair growth, it’s important to choose the one that works the best for you. Effective hair falling treatment requires a personalized approach. The treatment is chosen based on the hair loss causes, the extent of hair loss, the grade of baldness, and the condition of the scalp.

At Dr Batra’s™️ homeopathy clinic, we provide effective hair fall solutions with 94% patient satisfaction as authenticated by American Quality Assessors. The treatment is administered after a carefully evaluated study of the patient’s medical history. The evaluation is done taking into account the extent of loss of hair, the temperament, the sensitivities, and the grade of baldness. Our doctors conduct a video microscopy test and customize a hair fall treatment plan best suited to meet your expectations and enable hair growth.


How to determine if it's normal hair loss?

While you wash your hair thoroughly in the shower, hair that are already loose or disconnected from your scalp gather near the drain. While it might look like a lot, you’re probably experiencing normal hair fall/loss of hair. People typically lose 50 to 100 hair a day as a part of the hair growth cycle. Some loss of hair is normal for everyone and at every age. In case of excessive or unusual loss of hair, it is advised to consult our homeopathic doctor for effective hair fall treatment.

How to diagnose hair fall problem?

If the hair fall persists, it often indicates an underlying health issue such as thyroid problem, diabetes or heart disease. Our homeopathic doctor determines the cause of your loss of hair/hair fall based on a detailed examination of the patient’s health history. At Dr Batra’s™, the hair fall treatment is administered after a carefully evaluated study of the patient’s medical history. This is done taking into account the extent of loss of hair, the temperament, the sensitivities, etc. This customization ensures that the treatment plan is best suited to meet the patient’s individual requirements.

What are the factors determining hair growth?

Factors that determine hair growth are:
  • Genetics: A person's genes will dictate how quick their hair growth will be.
  • Gender: Gender plays an important role in determining speed of hair growth. Men grow hair faster than women.
  • Age: Hair grows fastest between the ages of 15 and 30, after which it becomes considerably slower.
  • Nutrition: Good nutrition is essential for maintenance and hair growth.

What should we eat to reduce loss of hair immediately?

For healthy hair, an overall balanced diet that is rich in lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, and fatty fish like Indian salmon and low-fat dairy are great boosters. This may help in stopping loss of hair when consumed regularly.

How long does hair grow in a month?

According to The American Academy of Dermatology, hair grows about ½ inch per month on an average and about 6 inches per year. This depends on your age, hair type, extent of loss of hair, overall health and other conditions.


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