Understanding Hair Pulling Disorder: Consultation with a Homeopathic Doctor
Did you hear of hair pulling disorder or trichotillomania that makes you obsessively pull your hair? Hair pulling disorder may be stress. It is essential to help such patients in the time since they can have low self-esteem, guilt, distress, or shame.
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The estimated prevalence of trichotillomania is around 2 % of the population. Females are more prone than males. In children too, female children are more inclined to be affected in the age groups of around 9 to 13 years. The patient often says that everything is fine and there is no problem with them. It may accompany habits like hair chewing, licking, or eating.
What is a hair pulling disorder?
It is a form of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) where one pulls their hair. The scalp is the most common site. Other body areas of hair pulling include eyebrows, eyelashes, and private areas. Even hands and limbs may sometimes be affected. Sometimes, irregularly shaped bald patches on the scalp or other areas.
The causes include the following:
- Chemical imbalance in the brain is linked to it
- Internal feelings like stress, anxiety, or boredom can be a factor.
- Hormonal changes, especially during puberty.
- Genetic tendency due to an affected member in the family.
Many patients do it without knowing, while some do it consciously due to some triggers like anger or anxiety. Many times, the hairballs are ingested, obstructing the Gastrointestinal tract.
Traditional Treatment Approaches vs. Homeopathy
When we think of traditional treatment for hair pulling problems, the therapeutic options are very limited since more studies are needed. Habit reversal training is mainly used, which may have certain limitations, like there may be unaddressed depression and family tendencies. Homeopathy works like a charm in such cases, as it considers the person as a whole and not particular symptoms.
Moreover, Antidepressants are sometimes prescribed. They have many side effects and are even addictive. Homeopathic medicine focuses on the body and mind without any side effects. Since treatment for any habitual disorder is long-term, homeopathy would be beneficial for prolonged use.
As feelings like stress and anxiety are involved in hair pulling disorder, at Dr Batra’s®, the doctor focuses on a holistic approach to healing through homeopathy. This is how we can find persistent improvement in patients. Also, many lifestyle changes are suggested to patients once they are more receptive to treatment.
Lifestyle and Self-Care Tips for Managing Hair Pulling Disorder
Here are some tips on how to stop hair-pulling disorder:
- You can try squeezing a stress ball
- A ball can be formed with the fist to avoid pulling
- A fidget toy is ideal
- One can always keep hair wrapped up in a scarf, tight-fitting hat, or cap
- When stress or anxiety hits you take a calming bath.
- Deep breathing and concentrating on it
- Regular exercise works well
- Making your hair short
How Homeopathy Addresses Hair Pulling Disorder
Homeopathy works on the principle of “like cures like.” An individual with a set of symptoms similar to those of a homeopathic medicine is that person’s individualized medicine. Proper history taking is needed to determine a suitable personalized treatment for any person.
Homeopathy targets the root cause of trichotillomania and a homeopathic doctor at Dr Batra’s® Homeopathic clinic aims to completely cure the patients with our customized homeopathic treatment. All the physical problems as well as the symptoms of the mind are considered together to reach a suitable medicine. We at Dr Batra effectively treat a person holistically.
Here, a success story of how the homeopath at Dr Batra’s® healthcare effectively treated a case of Trichotillomania:
Miss Rashmi (name changed) is a 21-year-old diagnosed with trichotillomania. She had a big patch on her scalp. It was irresistible for her to control the urge. She tried various treatments but nothing worked so she opted for homeopathic treatment at Dr Batra.
With detailed history taking, she was prescribed suitable personalized homeopathic medicine. After 4 months of treatment, she started showing improvement up to 60%. Her scalp patch was reduced to a great extent. And after 2 years of treatment, she no longer felt the urge to pull her hair.
As trichotillomania has a strong mental health component, homeopathic doctors play a very effective role in managing such a compelling habit. The fact that it can be used for a long time can vanish safety concerns into thin air. Book an appointment for a consultation with our homeopathic clinic.